Hosting & Domain Packages

Deliver your ideas to large audiences online.

What is hosting and domain?

Even if web hosting and domain hosting are closely related, they are two different services. Web hosts allow users to create and store content on their Internet servers just like a website. Domain hosts provide domain names that help visitors access your web content.

If you think of your web content as a store, a web host provides the physical space where you showcase your store’s products, in this case the text, images, videos and other content that make up your site.

Grow your ideas online

If you want, don’t be surprised by the classics with .com, or get creative with .app or .guru. There is no better place to find the perfect online home for your business and idea.

Take your success forward

Everyone has e-mail, but not all e-mail is the same. Customers are 9 times more likely to choose a company with a professional email address such as

Fast, secure and always online

Do you already have a website? Then give your website the slot it deserves. With industry-leading load times, guaranteed 99.9% uptime, and expert support, you can deliver whatever your site wants.

Protect your data and your customers

SSL Certificate protects the data going to and from your site, from personal information to credit card numbers, making it impossible for hackers to read this data. When visitors feel safe, they are more likely to give their business to you.